Jane Chan Acupuncture & low level laser on Macquarie Street Sydney City
Jane Chan Acupuncture & low level laser on Macquarie Street Sydney City
Chronic pain in the muscles and joints affect the quality of life. Standard treatments like ice and heat, anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, and appropriate exercises can often ease the pain. But when they don’t, acupuncture, microcurrent acupuncture (a needle free treatment) & low level laser therapy (a needle free treatment) is an option worth considering.
Over the years there has been substantial debate about whether acupuncture really works for chronic pain. Research from an international team of experts adds to the evidence that it does provide real relief from common forms of pain. The team pooled the results of 29 studies involving nearly 18,000 participants. Some had acupuncture, some had “sham” acupuncture, and some didn’t have acupuncture at all. Overall, acupuncture relieved pain by about 50%. The results were published in Archives of Internal Medicine.
The above study is for general reading purpose only.
ABN: 18 167 946 910
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